We supply eco-friendly and cost-saving cooking and fuel solutions for schools and businesses.
We manufacture and distribute Kuni Safi briquettes, a nearly smokeless alternative to firewood made of sugarcane waste, and affordable Kuni Safi cookstoves.
Our target customers
Our impact
Acacia Innovations is a for-profit social enterprise and is committed to investing a majority of our gross profits back into our business to achieve sustainability, grow our impact, and fulfill our mission.
Reduced Deforestation
Every ton saves an average of 13 trees!
Lower Health Risks
Kuni Safi is nearly smokeless, reducing the risk of respiratory illnesses due to indoor air pollution such as pneumonia, lung cancer, strokes, and heart disease.
Cost Savings
Customers save an average of 35% compared to firewood and 50% compared to charcoal!





What our customers say
Our termly budget for firewood has been reduced by half. Long live Kuni Safi!
Kuni Safi has really helped us. There is no smoke. We don't want anything to do with smoke because it affects our health. We are so impressed.
The school loves the product. Their lunch now gets ready by 12:40 pm as compared to when they used firewood when lunch was always late. We no longer suffer from too much smoke.
When we compare it with firewood, this is more convenient, economical, healthy and cleaner. Once it lights, you just wait for food.